The programme is divided into theory and clinical blocks.
It includes the well planned theoretical inputs in terms of lectures, lectures cum demonstration, seminars & field visits etc.
The Students are provided opportunity to practice under the required supervision and guidance of the experienced nurse educators and doctors to develop hands on skill while clinical posting to provide nursing care to the clients. During this period, the students are posted in as per rotation plan at various affiliated hospitals and community areas.
It is designed with different types of teaching aids to help the students to improve their knowledge & understanding. Some of the Audio Visual Aids are Television, Over Head Projector, and LCD projector screens.
Class Rooms are well arranged with well furnished beaches, Table and Chair. Every class room has its own LCD and over head projector for effective teaching and has enough space of 11,000 sq. ft.
The computer lab has sufficient computers to help the students to have a basic understanding on use of computers and its application in Nursing. Wi-Fi internet service is available for 24 hours for all the students and faculties.
It is designed to assist students in acquiring knowledge of the normal structure of human body. Lab is equipped with various models, specimens, Skelton, all kinds of bone, charts etc...
It is designed for the students to develop skills in primary care for the individuals, families and groups at both urban & rural settings. Lab provides drugs for managing and treating minor health problems.
It provides facilities for the students to practice skills related to Community Health Nursing.
It is set up with the view to enable the students to provide comprehensive care to mothers, neonates and children. The infrastructure of the lab includes adult cots, pediatric cots and different articles and instruments used in obstetrics and child health nursing. This will help the students to acquire knowledge and skills in patient care that are to be practiced in clinical settings.
The subject nutrition is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge for maintenance of optimum health at different stages of life and its application for practice of nursing. The Nutrition lab is well established with all facilities including gas stoves, refrigerators and microwave, variety of articles and vessels for the development of skills in preparation of different food items are present.
It is aimed at helping the students to acquire knowledge and skills in techniques of nursing and practice them in supervised settings. It has good infrastructure facilities like enough Bed strength, various types of manikins, Infusion training arm and different types of articles and equipment for the demonstration of nursing procedures.
Well ventilated and spacious library is provided with adequate number of books, national and international journals, various magazines and collection of CDs.
The college is having fully furnished hostel with 84 plus rooms. Rooms are specious, well furnished with RO water purifying plant and Wi-Fi Internet facility available.
Maniba Bhula Nursing College provides Regular bus service from Surat to Maniba Bhula Nursing College (Charge Rs 1300/-Per Month).
Maniba Bhula Nursing College provides Regular bus service from Bardoli to Maniba Bhula Nursing College.
The canteen provides the best procreative environment, offering delicious and mouth watering dishes around o' clock.